Fridge Freezers


Frost Free

Frost Free

Designed to simplify your life, our Frost Free freezers automatically maintain a dry environment to prevent ice from building up. The result is a freezer compartment that you will never need to defrost, saving you valuable time for better things.

Food Protector Technology

Food Protector Technology

Offering unparalleled storage flexibility, our Food Protector Technology ensures that your freezer continues to function in ambient temperatures as low as -15°C. If you're lacking kitchen space, you'll be able to safely store your freezer in a garage or outbuilding, even in the midst of winter.

LED Lighting

LED Lighting

Bright and long-lasting, our LED lighting makes it easier to see the contents of your fridge. It's also highly energy efficient, making it ideal for the eco-conscious household.

Adjustable Glass Shelves

Adjustable Glass Shelves

We understand that flexibility is important when it comes to storing your groceries. That's why our glass shelves can be easily adjusted to different heights, making sure you always find space for your taller food items.

Reversible Door

Reversible Door

Designed to suit multiple kitchen layouts, our appliance doors can be easily reversed to make installation smooth and trouble-free.

Note: Feature images are for illustrative purposes only


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Parts and Accessories

If you’re looking to buy genuine parts, accessories and consumables then please visit our dedicated website.

If your appliance is covered under its original guarantee and you need a spare part, then please call us or send us a message by clicking this link.

You will need to tell us your contact, product and purchase details and describe the parts you require when contacting us.